Thursday, April 17, 2014


Let me start off by saying that I have never ever ever so desperately waited and wanted my period to start as I did about a week ago.See Im currently a surrogate who's matched with an amazing couple from Spain, who for privacy reasons we'll call "C" (mom)& "S" (dad). C , S and I went through a fresh embryo transfer a few months back that unfortunately was unsuccessful and heart breaking to say the least. Immediately following that horrible experience I was left jobless and feeling hopeless. I had envisioned going through a pregnancy with C & S and come late October, delivering what I would call the greatest gift I could possible give this wonderful couple. Things didn't turn out like that at all.
By the grace of God I was able to nail a new job in less than a week. However, with this new job came all kinds of great and not so great emotions. I was now faced with the reality of not being able to jump into a new cycle with C& S, and also the possibility of not being able to do a cycle at all. So now that I had new a job I wanted to wait at least my 90 day probationary period before asking for any time off ( drs appts, transfer day, bed rest, ect) Bringing this news to C & S`s attention was definitely not the easiest thing to do. For them to agree to this meant they'd not only have to put their dream of becoming parents on hold for another 3 months, but also meant they'd have to take a another unexpected financial hit. Luckily C and S decided to wait for me and continue with a frozen transfer for the end May.
About a week and a half ago I was contacted by the nurse at the fertility center, she wondered if I had started my period and if I had started birth control like she advised back in the beginning of February. Being unsure if C & S were even going to continue with another cycle, I didn't start the birth control as I was instructed to (dumb move, I know) thinking, "no biggy, I'll just start bc next month when I get my period, should C & S decide to continue".BIG MISTAKE!!!! I didn't get my period for the month on March, and was now being told that in order to be able to do another transfer for the end of May, I had to get my period like SOON. Long story short, I got my period last week stated bc pills, aspirin and prenatal vitamins on the 10th of April. Im scheduled to start injections on the 25th of this month, and a frozen embryo transfer the 30th of May. Wooohooo!!! My period finally came and ITS OFFICIAL, were at it again. :-) :-)