Thursday, August 21, 2014

14 weeks and counting

As of last week I was hardly showing a belly whatsoever. I had a tiny bump and even that was barely noticable.  Well that's changed. It feels as though over night my belly just popped out of no where. I even had a co - worker who had no idea I was actually pregnant - ask me if I was expecting.  I was in total shock to say the least. I confirmed my pregnancy with her and finally accepted that it wasn't just me who thought I was beginning to show. So here we are, 14w5d with a little bump of joy :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's a healthy baby............. (boy?/girl?)

So its time to update my blog to reveal S&C's baby's gender.
Early Monday morning upon calling the lab, I was so relieved to hear that the harmony results were no longer pending. HOW EXCITING!!!
The results revealed that the little one that I'm carrying for S & C is not only a baby boy, but a healthy baby boy. The 3 chromosomes tested came back as low risk with a low 1/10,000 probability and revealed that come February 2015 C & S will be welcoming another sweet baby BOY into this world. 💙💘

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Another waiting game

I'm almost into my 2nd trimester now, how Exciting!!! Time has definitely flown by. I still don't have a belly. I do however have a very small ball like shape in my lower abdomen, but it's hardly noticable. Pregnancy symptoms are the usual morning sickness every few days and having to use the restroom ALL the time. I must say this pregnancy is pretty much a breeze.

What hasn't been a breeze is the waiting game my IPs and myself have been playing for what feels like an eternity. I was instructed by my OB to have a blood test called the Harmony which would test for certain fetal abnormalites as well as reveal the gender of S & C's little one. Well I had the blood test done on July 29th and here we are on August 9th and have yet to receive any results. I've called my Dr's office several times and each time have been notified that the results are still pending. I've even called the lab to request the results myself and nothing. Each time they say the same thing "there's a 7-10 day turn around period and we hope to have the results in by tomorrow". I know not to stress over things or events I have no control over, but my goodness how long can it possibly. Not to mention the test itself if pretty expensive so you'd think the lab would have more staff or better business hours or SOMETHING to make the turn around period for results less.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when I call the lab on monday that instead of hearing the representative say the same thing I've heard  multiple times, that instead she ask for my fax number so she could fax the results :)
That would make for an amazing Monday and finally put this waiting game behind us.