Tuesday, October 28, 2014

24 weeks!!

This week marks the 24th week. I'm growing little by little, my belly button is actually beginning to pop out. I'm currently weighing 137 lbs, that's 10 lbs heavier than my prepregnancy weight.
I feel little man kick, punch, move, roll and hiccup. His movements have become a lot more constant and around the clock. Every movement serves as a reminder of the wonderful gift that im helping nurture for my more than wonderful and deserving intended parents.
At my next Drs appointment I will be ordered to preform a pregnancy glucose tolerance test. I know it isn't a fun test, however its definitely a very important test so I'm more than willing to get it over with. I've never had any issues with this(or anything) with the pregnancies of my boys, so I'm not worried one bit.
Here are a few puctures of my growing belly.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Here we are. 21 weeks down, more than half way through this journey and everything is going great!
My belly is slowly growing, baby boy moves and kicks all day but manages to let me sleep at night :-). Cravings are almost non-existent, which is nice cause it's helped me maintain a steady and healthy weight gain throughout the past months.
My boys met S&C as well as their young son this past Sunday for the first time via skype. While my oldest tried to play "Mr Cool"and remained calm and collective,my youngest was the total opposite,  totally wanting to be the center off attention the entire time. Overall it was a fun rewarding experience and my boys can now put a face to "the mommy and daddy" that we so often speak of. Im very excited for when they all finally get to meet in person (when C&S come for the birth of their little bundle of joy!!)