Friday, November 21, 2014


Everything came back perfectly fine with my iron testing aswell as the glucose tolerance test.  I'm almost 28 weeks and I'm starting to experience some pregnancy related bothers. Not too bad tho. I've hit the 140 lbs mark, my feet and ankles are starting to get swollen by the end of the day,  occasional leg cramps at night, constant thirst which results in constant restroom breaks and just the overall feeling of being heavier. All are normal symptoms of pregnancy and none of them are unbearable. Only 87 more days to go before S and C get to hold baby A, maybe a few more or maybe a few less. 😊

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Glucose tolerance test

I woke up extra early yesterday.  It was time for my glucose tolerance test.  I arrived at the lab at 730 am and drank what some people refer to as this horrible disgusting super sweet sugar loaded solution.  To be quite honest it wasn't bad at all. Yeah it was sweet but that's to be expected. Honestly the worst part was having to sit in the waiting room for an hour, I was seriously freezing but couldn't go to my car for sweater. The receptionist told me I had to be where she could see or I'd have to return another day 😤
All in all everything went smoothly and I'll know my results Monday morning.