Saturday, December 20, 2014

Almost 32 weeks

I'll b 32 weeks tomorrow.  WOOHOOO!!!!
I can't believe how quickly the weeks have been flying by.  Next week is Christmas,  then new years right after,  then a few weeks later my wonderful IPS will be flying in to prepare for the birth of baby A.
Baby A is doing great... at my last drs appointment his heart rate sounded perfect my abdomen was measuring exactly where it should. He moves all day which I totally enjoy,  every movement is a reminder of the wonderful gift I'm helping C & S carry. I must admit tho, there are time when he decides to either punch or kick my bladder,  I don't enjoy those moments very much,  as I suddenly need to rush to restroom in hopes of not having embarrassing accident 😵.
Another week down and still this pregnancy and the journey have been amazing.  Of course with a few hiccups along the way but amazing and life changing nonetheless.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Almost 31 weeks

30 weeks and 6 days today!
I must admit this pregnancy has been pretty easy in comparison to some surrogates I've been in contact with. Yes I'm getting tired easily, yes ive gained some extra weight, yes my feet swell up every now and then, yes I was found slightly anemic, and my growing  belly is getting bigger by the day, my clothes are getting tighter, and the list could go on for days, however, things could be a whooole lot worse.
On the bright side, I'm still able to work full time,  I'm still able to keep up with my boys busy schedules,  still able to cook dinner every night and tuck my boys in at night and wake them every morning with a "good morning, I love you" kiss. Not to mention I'm a single mother of two, and I do everything pretty much on my own. So instead of complaining of a few changes that my body has gone through, I'm extremely grateful and thankful to God that he's allowed me to continue my regular life while at the same time being able to give S and C the greatest gift imaginable, a healthy baby boy!!! 💙💙💙
Life is absolutely amazing at this point in my life, & instead off seeing the glass half empty, I prefer to stay positive I see the glass half full.