Saturday, December 20, 2014

Almost 32 weeks

I'll b 32 weeks tomorrow.  WOOHOOO!!!!
I can't believe how quickly the weeks have been flying by.  Next week is Christmas,  then new years right after,  then a few weeks later my wonderful IPS will be flying in to prepare for the birth of baby A.
Baby A is doing great... at my last drs appointment his heart rate sounded perfect my abdomen was measuring exactly where it should. He moves all day which I totally enjoy,  every movement is a reminder of the wonderful gift I'm helping C & S carry. I must admit tho, there are time when he decides to either punch or kick my bladder,  I don't enjoy those moments very much,  as I suddenly need to rush to restroom in hopes of not having embarrassing accident 😵.
Another week down and still this pregnancy and the journey have been amazing.  Of course with a few hiccups along the way but amazing and life changing nonetheless.

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