Monday, June 9, 2014

My First sign of symptoms

So today marks 10 days past my 5 day embryo transfer (10dp5dt). Up until last night I felt no symptoms what so ever, no nausea, no cravings, bloating, nothing. Which I was "A" ok with, being that I had taken numerous at home pregnancy test, 7 to be exact, all of which came back with positive results. If that weren't enough, after being alarmed by some minor spotting I had experienced this past Friday (7dp5dt) my Dr ordered blood test to check my hormone levels, and to my surprise she ordered a hcg test, which came back with a result of 46. Luckily the Dr said the spotting may be what she referred to as "implantation bleeding" so nothing to be alarmed about anymore. (Back to my story)So I was pretty sure I was pregnant, and pretty excited to not have any symptoms that I've heard other surrogates and pregnant friends speak of. Well, all that changed last night. I took my daily dose of hormone medication, my prenatal vitamin and baby aspirin, which I've done every single night since around ends of May, each and every single time with no symptoms or side effects what so ever. This time Within about an hour, maybe even two hours, I started to feel nauseous. At first I thought to myself, "it's all in your head, just don't think about it and it'll go away". Uhhm yeah that didn't work!!, with every commercial or mention of food the sensation of nausea became more and more potent. My body finally had enough, I ran to the bathroom, continuously gagging, but being that my stomach was pretty much empty, nothing would come out. So there you have it, my first pregnancy related symptom,  Morning Sickness/nausea, except not in the morning.

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