Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This waiting game is soooo not fun!!!

Ok so today marks 11dp5dt and to say I'm anxious for Wednesday's betahcg is an understatement. Ive been sooo positive, even before the transfer occurred, but im human, and there's always that little doubt, saying "what if". At 4dp5dt I took a first response at home pregnancy test, which detects low levels of hcg in urine and it was positive!!!!. Ive been taking at home pregnancy tests everday since then, some days even more than once, and every single one has been positive, and the line only keeps getting darker and darker. After fridays scare of random spotting, My IVF Dr (realy my IP's Ivf Dr) ordered blood test, which included a hcg quantitative.The Dr seemed very please with the result of 46, even made a comment, "yay!, you are pregnant, a very early pregnancy but pregnant" she then went on to explain that she wanted to see something in the ball park of 160 on Wednesdays 6/11/14 hcg, and @least 320 on Friday's 6/13/14 hcg to then schedule and ultrasound to confirm the presence of a sac and healthy embryo with at least a fetal pole, and maybe even a heartbeat.

It is now 3:21am and I'm wide awake, like a kid desperately waiting to go Disneyland. I try to sleep, but its constantly interrupted with nightmares, like showing up to lab and forgetting my lab order sheet, or having my blood drawn but no blood coming out, and the absolute worst one, having my blood drawn, and after waiting ALL day for results, being told that the blood was misplaced and I needed to go to the lab again. Ugggggh!!!!! The day goes by soooo quickly while im at work and even when I get home. I keep myself busy cooking cleaning, helping the boys with homework,  getting them showed and ready for bed. As soon as they're asleep, and its my turn to fall asleep, I just cant. All I cant think of is my blood test tomorrow. Ive googled everything and anything you can possible think of, and I actually continue to do so. I know the best thing to do is relax and be patient. But I'm sure we ALL know that-that is waaayyyy EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!
Cheers to the 28hrs left before my "official 12 days past embryo transfer" Beta hcg blood test. Now too try and get some sleep as I have to be at work in less than 5 hours.

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