Wednesday, June 11, 2014

OMG, the wait is over

Today was the much aniticipated day for both my intended parents and myself. Today is 12dp5dt, and my first official beta results would reveal whether May 30ths transfer was successful or not. I went to the lab bright and early, actually got there before the lab even opened, in hopes of having the results back as soon as humanly possible. The results are in, and WE'RE PREGNANT!!!! My IPs and their young son are beyond excited.Hcg level was at 246. A repeat beta will be done in two days (6/13/2014) and a third and final beta next wednesday 6/18/2014 and our baseline (initial) OB ultrasound has been scheduled for Monday June 23rd 2014 :-)
By the grace of God I will be delivering the greatest gift humanly possible for my more than wonderful IPs. As of now my exact due date is February 14th, VALENTINES DAY!!! :-) :-) :-)

1 comment:

  1. So very excited for you and your IPs! Wonderful news! Can't wait to follow you as things unfold!
