Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brighter skies

It's been about a week since my last entry, and oh man so much has changed or is in  the transition of changing.
I met with my obgyn last week and our Consultation went amazing. He enlightened me on a few new topics that I had no idea of, and some that I was pretty familiar with already.  At that appointment he ordered some blood work one of which included the harmony genetic test. This test will test C & S's embryo for genetic abnormalites and determine the babies gender aswell,  HOW EXCITING!  I'll be having that test aswell as other blood work done this coming Monday, which means 10 days later C and S will know if they're having a boy or a girl :)
Another source of happiness comes from the fact that in 3 days exactly I will FINALLY be done with all the medications I've been on for about 3 months. That means no more sticky residue from constant transdermal patches, no more vaginal suppositories,  and the best of all NO MORE DAILY INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTIONS!!!! I'm sooooooh happy about that.

And as if all that positive news wasn't enough, I just got word from my business manager that effective tomorrow I will have a full time personal assistant helping me with all my daily tasks at work. That means no more stressing out about deadlines, no more rushing to get things done last minute and no more never ending "To Do" lists. I can finally breath and enjoy life family and this pregnancy journey. Everything is finally falling Into place and I Honestly couldn't be happier.

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