Friday, July 18, 2014

What a scare

Two nights ago while laying in bed talking with my sister I got this weird feeling, almost as though I had urinated on myself.  I quickly went to the restroom,  and was in complete shock. My undergarments and pants were covered in bright red blood and clots.  I immediately called my doctor who recommended I go to the emergency room for an ultrasound,  to confirm whether or not that was a miscarriage. To be completely honest,  I thought the worst.  I had never bleed like that ever in my life,  let alone while pregnant. As I sat in the ER waiting for the ultrasound all I could think of its "what did I do wrong" & "why me". Not to mention C & S's shattered hopes and dreams.

The ultrasound later should a very healthy and active little one still in my uterus with a healthy little heart beat. I swear I can't even begin to explain how happy and overwhelmed with emotion I was. I was later discharged and told to follow up with my reproductive endocrinologist within a day.

That was the most horrible scare I've ever experienced throughout any of my pregnancies.  By the grace of God everything was absolutely perfectly fine with C & S's little one and with me aswell.

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