Tuesday, September 9, 2014

17 weeks

Today marks 17weeks 2 days, time is just going too fast.
My belly has definitely popped out,  fetal movements are most continuous as are the constant bathroom trips :)
This little boys is sooooo good, I feel him kicking and moving all day but come night time he lets me sleep like a baby. WHAT A LITTLE ANGEL!!!
Yesterday was my 4 week check up with my obgyn, everything was perfectly fine, little man has a strong steady heartbeat, is able to suck his thumb (and foot) and we were able to see bits and pieces of his handsome facial structure. I'll see my Dr again in four weeks and will also see a perinatalogist who will preform a full anatomy scan of this little guy to assure all is well.
Life as a pregnant women in sunny San Diego definitely isn't the funnest during the heat, but I'm able to make a due and enjoy every bit of it. Although I'll admit,  I'm dieing for some rain and some cooler weather :-)

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