Thursday, September 18, 2014


I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! I'll be 19 weeks on Sunday, and seriously it seems as though a few weeks ago was our transfer date.
Ive been feeling baby movements for sometime now. However, recently the movements are more constant and my boys are able to put their hands in my abdomen and slightly feel the movements aswell.
Last week I finally accepted that my prepregnancy pants no longer fit comfortably. So to avoid any future temptations I've stored them into my closet where they'll sit for the next few months until I'm back to my pre pregnancy size.
San Diego heat had been crazy for the last month or so, ranging from low nineties up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit and in some areas even hotter! YUCK!!! Extreme heat means extra consumption of water, which results in frequent bathroom breaks. Luckily yesterday seemed to have cooled down some, so I'm hoping we'll start having normal weather soon.
Overall this pregnancy had been a breeze, no severe symptoms or constant discomforts so this pregnant lady is as happy as can be :-) :-)

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