Saturday, January 24, 2015

21 more days!!!!!

I can't believe tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks already!
I've been experiencing Braxton hicks for some time now but nothing painful. My feet swell up from time to time,  but drinking lots of water,  soaking them in warm water with Epson salt, compression socks and keeping them elevated has helped tremendously. As far as my back pain,  it's become an everyday thing and I've gotten pretty used to it at this point.  Baby A moves around sooo much and at times I feel him under my ribs which can be a little uncomfortable but definitely tolerable. Next week my wonderful IPS fly into town to settle in and get ready for the birth of their baby boy aswell as celebrate their oldest sons birthday aswell. I still can't believe how fast time flew by. Seriously, it feels as though it was a few weeks ago when baby A's tiny little heartbeat was first seen via ultrasound by the IVF doctor.

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