Sunday, June 22, 2014

My first support group meeting being pregnant

We had our monthly support group meeting that my agency puts together for all of us surro moms. Its actually really nice to be able to hear others stories, and talk about your own aswell. I was able to catch up with the other girls who I havent seen in about 2 months (I missed the last meeting) Its amazing to see the changes a women goes through in such little time.
One sad moment of todays activites was when I chatted with a surro mom who is currently 24weeks pregnant.  The fact that she is so far along and doing absolutely amazing in her journey isnt what was sad. What was sad was that she and I both had our transfers on the same day back on January 30th. I was reminded of the amazing conection I had with my IPs, having them in the procedure room with me, feeling their pure positive vibes and constant reassurance,   to then be devistated with the news that the transfer was unsuccessful.  :(((

On a positive note, although that transfer didnt end with a pregnancy,  this one did!!!!! Today marks 6weeks of pregancy only 237more days to go :-)
C & S are beyond excited and also very grateful to be given the opportunity to expand their family, regardless of the medical issues C faced about a year ago. About a year ago C was clinging on for dear life, and devistated with the news that she would never be able to cary a child again. Today C & S celebrate the news that a very fortunate surro mom (me) is currently pregnant with their little blessing/bundle of joy/prized possession.  Life is great for all three of us, & will only get even better come Tuesday's ultrasound appointment.  ♡♡♡♡♡♡

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