Thursday, June 26, 2014

"Confirmed Pregnant"

Yesterday C & S finally got visual confirmation of their bundle of joy. We had our first skype ultrasound with the reproductive endocrinologist (ivf dr) yesterday & Everything looked splendid. At 6weeks2day it was pretty hard, almost imposible to see much, but the little bit that was seen was absolutely amazing. We were able to confirm that their ebryo had indeed implanted into my uterus with what the Dr called "perfect implantation" and ideal location in my uterus.The Dr pointed out C & S's little embryo who already has a little flickering heartbeat. It was most definitely a moment C, S and myself will cherish for a lifetime to come. Im now "confirmed pregnant" with their super tiny but oh so super cute blessing from above.
♡♡♡♡♡♡Check out his/her's first photo♡♡♡♡♡♡

We're scheduled to return for another ultrasound on July 17 with the ivf dr, and I also have my first "official ob" appoinment that day  :-) Yaaay!!!

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