Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brighter skies

It's been about a week since my last entry, and oh man so much has changed or is in  the transition of changing.
I met with my obgyn last week and our Consultation went amazing. He enlightened me on a few new topics that I had no idea of, and some that I was pretty familiar with already.  At that appointment he ordered some blood work one of which included the harmony genetic test. This test will test C & S's embryo for genetic abnormalites and determine the babies gender aswell,  HOW EXCITING!  I'll be having that test aswell as other blood work done this coming Monday, which means 10 days later C and S will know if they're having a boy or a girl :)
Another source of happiness comes from the fact that in 3 days exactly I will FINALLY be done with all the medications I've been on for about 3 months. That means no more sticky residue from constant transdermal patches, no more vaginal suppositories,  and the best of all NO MORE DAILY INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTIONS!!!! I'm sooooooh happy about that.

And as if all that positive news wasn't enough, I just got word from my business manager that effective tomorrow I will have a full time personal assistant helping me with all my daily tasks at work. That means no more stressing out about deadlines, no more rushing to get things done last minute and no more never ending "To Do" lists. I can finally breath and enjoy life family and this pregnancy journey. Everything is finally falling Into place and I Honestly couldn't be happier.

Friday, July 18, 2014

What a scare

Two nights ago while laying in bed talking with my sister I got this weird feeling, almost as though I had urinated on myself.  I quickly went to the restroom,  and was in complete shock. My undergarments and pants were covered in bright red blood and clots.  I immediately called my doctor who recommended I go to the emergency room for an ultrasound,  to confirm whether or not that was a miscarriage. To be completely honest,  I thought the worst.  I had never bleed like that ever in my life,  let alone while pregnant. As I sat in the ER waiting for the ultrasound all I could think of its "what did I do wrong" & "why me". Not to mention C & S's shattered hopes and dreams.

The ultrasound later should a very healthy and active little one still in my uterus with a healthy little heart beat. I swear I can't even begin to explain how happy and overwhelmed with emotion I was. I was later discharged and told to follow up with my reproductive endocrinologist within a day.

That was the most horrible scare I've ever experienced throughout any of my pregnancies.  By the grace of God everything was absolutely perfectly fine with C & S's little one and with me aswell.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fourth of July

Yay!!! I've been waiting for this day for a while now,  The Fourth of July. It's a huge National holiday where most people spend the day with family go to a fair and finish the night watching a fire works show. Every year since I was a little girl my dad would take my siblings and I to our local fair, to ride all kinds of thrilling rides, play tons of games in hopes of winning huge stuffed animals, eat all kinds of delicious fair food,  &to finish it all off watching fireworks. I could remember loving the fair,  all the rides, the yummy smelling (& tasting) food meeting with family and friends,  I just loved every last bit of it.

Something was a little different this year. Im Pregnant with two young boys. To start off,  I was well aware of the fact that I wasn't going to be able to ride any of the rides,  being that the sudden movements wouldn't be healthy for the little one I'm carrying.  Secondly I was exhausted. And lastly all the food that I had grown to love and looked forward to eating every year, now disgusted me!!! I looooove funnel cake, I eat it every single year. It definitely wasn't tasty yesterday. A blooming onion is one of my favorite fair food of all time.  After a few pieces of yesterday's blooming onion I was ready to throw up.  The smell of meat on the grill made me so nauseas I just wanted to run home. We played a few games ( didn't win anything 😕)
Watched a few bungee jumpers, tried to eat some food and ended up going home early.

The boys and I are going to Sea World today so that should be fun and hopefully make up for yesterday's not so fun events.  😝😝😝👎👎👎

BTw yesterday was S & C's wedding anniversary! !!! Happy (belated) anniversary to them!!!!! 😍😍😍👰👰💞💞👏👏🎁🎁🎉🎉💐💐