Thursday, June 26, 2014

"Confirmed Pregnant"

Yesterday C & S finally got visual confirmation of their bundle of joy. We had our first skype ultrasound with the reproductive endocrinologist (ivf dr) yesterday & Everything looked splendid. At 6weeks2day it was pretty hard, almost imposible to see much, but the little bit that was seen was absolutely amazing. We were able to confirm that their ebryo had indeed implanted into my uterus with what the Dr called "perfect implantation" and ideal location in my uterus.The Dr pointed out C & S's little embryo who already has a little flickering heartbeat. It was most definitely a moment C, S and myself will cherish for a lifetime to come. Im now "confirmed pregnant" with their super tiny but oh so super cute blessing from above.
♡♡♡♡♡♡Check out his/her's first photo♡♡♡♡♡♡

We're scheduled to return for another ultrasound on July 17 with the ivf dr, and I also have my first "official ob" appoinment that day  :-) Yaaay!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

My first support group meeting being pregnant

We had our monthly support group meeting that my agency puts together for all of us surro moms. Its actually really nice to be able to hear others stories, and talk about your own aswell. I was able to catch up with the other girls who I havent seen in about 2 months (I missed the last meeting) Its amazing to see the changes a women goes through in such little time.
One sad moment of todays activites was when I chatted with a surro mom who is currently 24weeks pregnant.  The fact that she is so far along and doing absolutely amazing in her journey isnt what was sad. What was sad was that she and I both had our transfers on the same day back on January 30th. I was reminded of the amazing conection I had with my IPs, having them in the procedure room with me, feeling their pure positive vibes and constant reassurance,   to then be devistated with the news that the transfer was unsuccessful.  :(((

On a positive note, although that transfer didnt end with a pregnancy,  this one did!!!!! Today marks 6weeks of pregancy only 237more days to go :-)
C & S are beyond excited and also very grateful to be given the opportunity to expand their family, regardless of the medical issues C faced about a year ago. About a year ago C was clinging on for dear life, and devistated with the news that she would never be able to cary a child again. Today C & S celebrate the news that a very fortunate surro mom (me) is currently pregnant with their little blessing/bundle of joy/prized possession.  Life is great for all three of us, & will only get even better come Tuesday's ultrasound appointment.  ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Friday, June 20, 2014

Almost time for 1st U/S

So, I've had a few blood test to test for progesterone estradiol and hcg levels, all of which have came back within normal limits. So this Tuesday the 24th of June will be my intended parents first ultrasound. Im so happy for them, and feel so fortunate to have been choosen to be their gestational carrier. I've heard horror stories from other surrogate mothers about the relationship they had or have with their intended parents. I can honestly say that my intended parents and I have a beyond great and amazing relationship. They are both very understanding very supportive and very much involved in every aspect of this surrogacy. I cant wait for them to see their bundle of joy and hear his/her little heart beat. Only 5 more days!!! :-)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2nd beta hcg

Yesterday morning I had my repeat beta, which came back at 518. My initial beta, 48 hours prior was 246. The levels have doubled, plus some. This is all good new to my IPs and I, as its yet another confirmation that their little one has decided to make my womb it's home :-) :-) :-)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

OMG, the wait is over

Today was the much aniticipated day for both my intended parents and myself. Today is 12dp5dt, and my first official beta results would reveal whether May 30ths transfer was successful or not. I went to the lab bright and early, actually got there before the lab even opened, in hopes of having the results back as soon as humanly possible. The results are in, and WE'RE PREGNANT!!!! My IPs and their young son are beyond excited.Hcg level was at 246. A repeat beta will be done in two days (6/13/2014) and a third and final beta next wednesday 6/18/2014 and our baseline (initial) OB ultrasound has been scheduled for Monday June 23rd 2014 :-)
By the grace of God I will be delivering the greatest gift humanly possible for my more than wonderful IPs. As of now my exact due date is February 14th, VALENTINES DAY!!! :-) :-) :-)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This waiting game is soooo not fun!!!

Ok so today marks 11dp5dt and to say I'm anxious for Wednesday's betahcg is an understatement. Ive been sooo positive, even before the transfer occurred, but im human, and there's always that little doubt, saying "what if". At 4dp5dt I took a first response at home pregnancy test, which detects low levels of hcg in urine and it was positive!!!!. Ive been taking at home pregnancy tests everday since then, some days even more than once, and every single one has been positive, and the line only keeps getting darker and darker. After fridays scare of random spotting, My IVF Dr (realy my IP's Ivf Dr) ordered blood test, which included a hcg quantitative.The Dr seemed very please with the result of 46, even made a comment, "yay!, you are pregnant, a very early pregnancy but pregnant" she then went on to explain that she wanted to see something in the ball park of 160 on Wednesdays 6/11/14 hcg, and @least 320 on Friday's 6/13/14 hcg to then schedule and ultrasound to confirm the presence of a sac and healthy embryo with at least a fetal pole, and maybe even a heartbeat.

It is now 3:21am and I'm wide awake, like a kid desperately waiting to go Disneyland. I try to sleep, but its constantly interrupted with nightmares, like showing up to lab and forgetting my lab order sheet, or having my blood drawn but no blood coming out, and the absolute worst one, having my blood drawn, and after waiting ALL day for results, being told that the blood was misplaced and I needed to go to the lab again. Ugggggh!!!!! The day goes by soooo quickly while im at work and even when I get home. I keep myself busy cooking cleaning, helping the boys with homework,  getting them showed and ready for bed. As soon as they're asleep, and its my turn to fall asleep, I just cant. All I cant think of is my blood test tomorrow. Ive googled everything and anything you can possible think of, and I actually continue to do so. I know the best thing to do is relax and be patient. But I'm sure we ALL know that-that is waaayyyy EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!
Cheers to the 28hrs left before my "official 12 days past embryo transfer" Beta hcg blood test. Now too try and get some sleep as I have to be at work in less than 5 hours.

Monday, June 9, 2014

My First sign of symptoms

So today marks 10 days past my 5 day embryo transfer (10dp5dt). Up until last night I felt no symptoms what so ever, no nausea, no cravings, bloating, nothing. Which I was "A" ok with, being that I had taken numerous at home pregnancy test, 7 to be exact, all of which came back with positive results. If that weren't enough, after being alarmed by some minor spotting I had experienced this past Friday (7dp5dt) my Dr ordered blood test to check my hormone levels, and to my surprise she ordered a hcg test, which came back with a result of 46. Luckily the Dr said the spotting may be what she referred to as "implantation bleeding" so nothing to be alarmed about anymore. (Back to my story)So I was pretty sure I was pregnant, and pretty excited to not have any symptoms that I've heard other surrogates and pregnant friends speak of. Well, all that changed last night. I took my daily dose of hormone medication, my prenatal vitamin and baby aspirin, which I've done every single night since around ends of May, each and every single time with no symptoms or side effects what so ever. This time Within about an hour, maybe even two hours, I started to feel nauseous. At first I thought to myself, "it's all in your head, just don't think about it and it'll go away". Uhhm yeah that didn't work!!, with every commercial or mention of food the sensation of nausea became more and more potent. My body finally had enough, I ran to the bathroom, continuously gagging, but being that my stomach was pretty much empty, nothing would come out. So there you have it, my first pregnancy related symptom,  Morning Sickness/nausea, except not in the morning.